Linking To HTTP Pages Doesn’t Affect SEO. But Is It A Good Practice?
Asked about linking to insecure pages on websites and a negative impact on SEO, John Mueller, Google’s Search Advocate, interestingly explains how the algorithm works.
How to Solve the Elementor Loading in a Loop Issue?
If you use WordPress, chances are you’re familiar with Elementor. It’s a page-building plugin adored by many for its ease of use and flexibility. But what happens when Elementor stops being your friend and starts showing the dreaded elementor loading in loop error? I’ve been there, and I understand how frustrating it can be. But…
Error “Failure to update. The response is not a valid JSON.” in WordPress. How to fix?
Did you prepare a change in content on WordPress, and received the error “Failure to update. The response is not a valid JSON.” preventing the update of your text? Understand how to fix this problem. The first step is to start by understanding the reason, and the answer to its cause is: it depends. There…